Friday, July 30, 2010


My favorite thing about living here is the balloon festival.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

little bunny foo foo

Look who we have been finding in the flower beds! Hopefully he continues to stay away from our garden.

We walked and walked and walked

We are doing a park program where you walk 8x and get a walking stick. We picked a short walk .9miles each way for the first trip. Only because Mom was distracted we walked waaaay to far. (Mom says they need to have better signage!)

summer hockey classic

Nathan is playing summer hockey. It is so much fun to watch him.

It is NOT fun to watch Ike while watching him.

The park library

We decided to go the the park library, have a picnic, etc. It was really really hot.

The babies

Z made a mask when G&G came with the cousins:

This is from story time at the grocery store. Later, we won a book.

M&M Gang

We play a LOT with our neighbors. Here are some pictures:

Someone LOVES watching Ikey.

Biggest to (almost) littlest.

Who's the big brother?

We really get a lot of use out of our front step.


Here are some pictures from our zoo trip with our friend, C

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Woodloch medals

We came home from Woodloch with 13 medals.
Dave won gold in basketball. Sarah got bronze in water slide and Z got silver in soccer. The family got bronze in Double Dare, silver and bronze in kickball.

Bunk Beds

Our mom has a new hobby. She is addicted to the website She (and our dad) built these fabulous bunk beds for Nathan.

Slumber Parties

Each of the bigs had a slumber party to celebrate turning 9.

Cupcakes and Baseball

A few weeks ago Nathan had hockey camp so he was gone all day all week. One day the other Sarah came over to play and the girls made cupcakes.

After we dropped Sarah home, we picked up Nathan and then went to his last baseball game.

Later that night we had those cupcakes for our early family birthday celebration (mom is very sneaky). The bigs both got new DSi's. They were pretty excited :)

Community Festival

Dad took us to the community festival and we rode all the rides. Here are some pictures from our adventure.

This ride takes you waaayyyy up in the air and then DROPS you. It was not fun.

Sarah and Nathan on the ferris wheel.

Z on the ferris wheel.

This is the slide that gave Nathan a horrible blister on the palm of his hand when he took Z down.

This is the dragon coaster. Z really liked it. He went on it about 5 times.

Woodloch 2010

We fished every morning after breakfast. The best bait was sausages that we saved from the restaurant. We caught at least 10 fish a day. It was awesome. Sarah and Nathan became so good at getting them off the hook. There were blue gill and sunfish and Sarah caught a big ol' bass. Our friends from Delaware caught a turtle! (We threw everything back so we could catch them again the next day!)

This is the little fisherman that we take our picture with every year. Z did not want his picture made.

Here is the whole family outside the main lodge.

The lake at dusk. Mom would take Ikey for a walk before bed.

Ikey loved Woodloch.

Monday, June 14, 2010