Saturday, August 29, 2009

School has started...we need a new blog!

So the first week of school is done!


And the summer o' fun is DONE as well. We need a new blog I guess. :(

I am thinking of a name and I will let you know!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

ABC Scavenger hunt

Sometimes, when we get bored, we borrow my mom's camera and play ABC scavenger hunt. We have to take pictures of something that starts with each letter in the alphabet.

B is for Baby:

Picnic at the Lake

Today we went with our friends to walk and picnic at the lake.

Z thought these ducks looked mad.

He made a scary face

Walking down the trail

All our friends

The beach

On Monday, some friends invited us to go play at the beach at the lake. We took Krista with us and had a blast. The girls and Z made a fabulous sand castle.

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ICE CREAM!

Yesterday we made ice cream with our friend Sophia.
It was yummy.

1/2 cup milk
2 tablespoons sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Our friends came to visit!

Last week, our good friends Noah and Sophie came to visit. They used to be our neighbors, but they had to move. We really miss them!

The big race

On Sunday we woke up early for the Hall of Fame races. We met Miss Cory in the parking lot and then went up to the HOF to meet up with Miss Laurie, Mr. Jay and Aiden. Then Aiden and Z ran the kids' race.

Then we saw Miss Christina and she and Mom went to get ready for their 2 mile race. They did great! They finished in 23:37. Miss Cory and Miss Laurie did the 5 mile and they did great too!
It was fun. Next year Sarah is going to run too!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

We like Ike

Ike is ALMOST 4 months old. He does no tricks. He does smile, does that count as a trick?


It's our favorite time of the summer. The Pro Football Hall of Fame Balloon classic. We went last night and it is just amazing. We will go again tonight and try and get pictures of our favorites (our camera ran out of batteries!)

The last picture is from the launch this morning that we can see from our house.

Pink hats

What can I say...we were bored :)

Monday, July 27, 2009

Walkin' the towpath

Today was busy! First we went to the store to get my mom some new shoes. She is running like crazy and needed some new ones before the big race this weekend. The shop is right along the canal towpath so we walked for a bit, skipped stones and looked at the canal.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Cooking day

It was cold and wet here so we had a kids' cooking day.
We made cookies, a chocolate pie, 2 lasagnas and 1 meatloaf.

It is

Bowling with Miss Dawn

On Saturday, we went bowling for Miss Dawn. She is doing the breast cancer day walk.

It was really fun. Everyone bowled really well and we ate a bunch of candy and french fries.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I'm sorry I haven't been blogging but here's a blog.

On Thursday we had a party for my mom's playgroup (Christina, Carter, Kara, Grant, Cassie, Angica, Jackson, Dawn, Gavin, Clarissa, Grant, Laurie, Aiden and Benjamin). We swam and ate. Then I drew picksurs of the ladies.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Woodloch this time! (part 1 of ?)

Woodloch was amazing! On Monday we got there at lunch time. After lunch we took it easy and went swimming. On Tuesday we had Breakfast at 8:30. Then we went to goofy golf where Nathan won a silver medal,we hung out and then we went to two-base kickball were Sarah and Nathan both won silver medals. More on that later....
Here are some pictures from the drive:

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Woodloch, the last time

Here's some pictures of the LAST time we went to Woodloch, in 2007

Vacation At Last!!!!!!!

Tomorrow my family is going on vacation! We go to the Pocono's in Pennsylvania. It will take about 6 and 1/2 hours. We will not be home til Friday. Hope to have a blast! Bye for now!

Here's some random pictures for Gigi (Mom says she is calling you that forever....sorry Angie)