Sunday, June 7, 2009

Cookie Camp Out!!!!!

Yesterday we left for the camp out. We played water guns with our friends and ate. Z played in the sandbox which was soaking wet after the big kids made it into a water park. So he was soaking wet and covered with sand!

My mom left with the little boys, Ike and Zachary, around 7:30. Once it was dark, we played Capture the Flag. The first round, Nathan's team won. The flag was hidden next to the flagpole. It wasn't as fair as I hoped because we only had one big kid and they had about 4. There was no winner in the second round. The rules were that the flag had to be visible and Nathan's team hid their flag under the car, with people sitting under the car guarding it. Coach Cookie decided that they broke the rules. Our team hid the flag behind a line of kids, so we think our team should have won.

After the game, we roasted marshmallows for s'mores. Then we told scary stories. Some parents were with us by the fire, others were inside watching the hockey game and some were hanging out in the driveway.

The big kids stayed up until 12 o'clock midnight! It was kind of hard to sleep in the tent because the ground was much harder than our beds. Dad wouldn't let us borrow the air mattress.

We got home around 8 a.m. Mom says we could not be dirtier, but we had fun!

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